Moving Forward Again
Just a short note to let you know what’s happening in my world.
During the pandemic, I shut down this website to save money. Times were tough; I’m sure you all have your personal pandemic stories of suffering to tell.
Finding the Middle Way
This last decade has, for me, been one of finding the middle way between traditional physical training and yoga. In the Dao (my favorite metaphysical philosophy) of physical development, yoga is yin and traditional exercise is yang.
What Makes a Successful Ager?
Successful ager Jack LaLanne was in the gym four hours a day well into his 90s. He was an inventor, entrepreneur, chiropractor, athlete, and host of the longest-running exercise show on television.
The Value of New
Have you ever had a difficult time motivating yourself to take that walk, do that workout, or step on the yoga mat? You may have had a feeling of boredom. If your brain is bored, then your body is bored, too, and you will not get the most effective physical training that you can.
What is Private Yoga Training, Anyway?
People sometimes ask what it is that I do. Do I train yoga teachers? Private yoga classes? Personal training? I’m something of a hybrid—I’m a personal trainer who uses yoga to help people live longer, healthier, and happier lives.
The Beauty of HIIT
HIIT is the acronym for high intensity interval training; a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods, until too exhausted to continue.
Making Lemonade
These past few months I’ve suffered from shoulder impingement syndrome. If you’ve never had it, then consider yourself fortunate. It is the result of misuse and imbalance involving the the rotator cuff muscles and all the push and pull muscles of the shoulder girdle.
Four Perspectives on Yoga, Martial Arts, and Ahimsa
Few people practice both yoga and martial arts. I personally know just three. Some yoga teachers and friends have questioned my devotion to yoga, and how I deal with ahimsa: the non-harming commandment of yoga. So I asked my friends.
The Power of Contraction/Release Techniques
What exercise technique builds strength and flexibility, can be performed anywhere, even in bed, requires no equipment, and can even be performed when you’re injured?
Ashtanga is the Ballet of Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is a set series of postures, with choreographed breathing and transitions between the postures. Because of this, it is suitable for a solitary home practice, or group. Most people can learn the 72 postures in the Primary Series.
The Prana Pump
Have you ever felt “butterflies” in your stomach or tingling under your skin at the end of your yoga class? These are examples of one of the more subtle aspects of existence: that of prana. Prana is the “livingness” found in all of the cosmos.
Boosting the Training Effect in Yoga
Increasing the rate of improvement in learning yoga is in part governed by the same principles as when learning any new sport or exercise. As an American College of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer, I know that my clients need to increase frequency, duration, and intensity to progress.
Frailty: a Choice by Default
If you learned you had a chronic, debilitating condition that began at age 25, ramped up at age 50, and continued until death, possibly even contributing to your death, would you take steps now to ameliorate it?
In Pursuit of Lasting Change
After reading “The End of Alzheimer’s,” by Dale Breseden, MD, my husband and I decided to change our diet to the recommended Ketoflex 12/3. (A must read if you’re having more frequent senior moments!)
Archive of Facebook Posts: “This Week in Prison”
I started teaching prison yoga months before I began to post about it on my Facebook Long Life Fitness business page. I was concerned that I might benefit, i.e., reap the fruits of my labor, which would nullify any positive effects of my actions. It wasn't until my mentor, Dr. Steven Landau, encouraged me to blog in order to inspire others to service, that I began. Here, finally, are all the posts together.
What Do Athletes Get Out of Yoga?
Performance Yoga for Cyclists & Runners, held in Woodstock last Saturday, went really well. Light bulbs went off in their heads when they realized how a new yoga concept could help their sport. They got it. I live for the feeling that I’ve helped someone. It is my purpose.